Monday, May 30, 2011

That's really matter:)

Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs, but it's your choice to scream or simply enjoy the ride:)for me, I'll prefer to just simply enjoy the ride:) I can't change the reality. reality can only be accepted. can't be ignored:( Life is like a box of chocolates. You'll never know you're gonna get. I'll never get too attached to anyone because attachments lead to expectations & expectations lead to disappointments. I'm truly happy with myself and the way things are that's all the matter:)Life is a book. I'm writing. It's not perfect and I make mistakes. I'd hurt people. unfortunately, I'm writing in pen and nothing can be erased. I wouldn't ever let the past stop me from beginning something new! I know it's gonna be awesome:)Greater things yet to come so always think positive and keep moving forward!:)Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional shouldn't be about what others think of you. Life is a school for angels. Love is the teachers. so do your homework without fear:) Death is merely graduation. Love your beloved ones with no fear:) can you?:) for me, I've already did:) Life is like a coin. you can spend it anyway you wish but you only spend it once:) appreciate it:) spend it wisely:)

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